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الهيئة الالمانية للتبادل العلمى

Welcome to the DAAD Office in Cairo! This is to inform that the DAAD Cairo office will unfortunately not be able to offer any service on 03-06 October and on 13-17 October due to the public holidays. Thank you for your kind understanding. Farbbalken Klein GERLS and GERSS Websites The GERLS and GERSS websites are inactive. We urge you to check the DAAD website for the updated information. Farbbalken Klein German-Egyptian Long-Term Scholarship, GERLS Call 2014/2015 The deadline for application is 31st October 2013. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education are happy to announce the 6th call of their joint funding programme GERLS. The target groups for this programme are young researchers who have been awarded their Master’s degree recently and would like to continue their PhD-related research in Germany. GERLS is a direct outcome of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology 2007. The application will be online through the DAAD portal. Further information can be found here. Farbbalken Klein GERSS - German-Egyptian Research Short term Scholarships Autumn Call 2013/14 The German Egyptian Research Short term Scholarship GERSS is a program jointly funded by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bonn (DAAD) in order to finance short term scholarships for young Egyptian scientists to travel to Germany. The target groups of the program are researchers enrolled in MSc, PhD programs and young Post-Doctoral candidates. The scholarships may be awarded for a period from three to six months. Further information can be found here. Farbbalken Klein Bilateral Exchange of Academics Deadline for Application: 15th of November 2013 The exchange program is primarily intended to support the implementation of mutual teaching and research projects. Three complete sets of the required documents (one original and two copies) must be submitted during the call for application between 10:00 and 12:00 on any working day. German applicants please refer to: Mrs. Deborah Dombret: deborah.dombret@daadcairo.org Egyptian applicants please refer to: Ms. Heba Afifi: WAP@daadcairo.org kindly find the WAP Information sheet. Farbbalken Klein Re-invitation Program for Former Scholarship Holders (1 – 3 months) Deadline for Application: 15th of November 2013 Objective The Re-invitation Program helps the DAAD maintain contacts with its former scholarship holders (DAAD Alumni) who had studied in Germany for at least on year. DAAD Alumni can apply fo a re-invitation to Germany with the purpose of completing a research or work project at a state higher education institution or non-university research institute. Three complete sets of the required documents (one original and two copies) must be submitted during the call for application between 10:00 and 12:00 on any working day. For additional questions, please contact Ms. Mariam Makramalla: WE@daadcairo.org kindly find the WE Information sheet. Farbbalken Klein Cooperation with the Transition Countries Egypt and Tunisia- 2012 Call for Applications cbe_mittel The Egyptian and the Tunisian people attained the resignation of their authoritarian governments by peaceful demonstrations in the beginning of 2011. The people’s dauntless commitment for democracy, responsible government and constitutionality deeply impressed the global public. Germany supports this process of democratization actively. Thus, the German government already made suggestions for a new transformation partnership by the end of January 2011. As a result, Egypt and Tunisia get the support that is needed for the democratic change. The central role in this period is assigned to the universities of both countries. The DAAD supports several measures aiming at strengthening the higher education in these destinations with funds from the Federal Foreign Office, beginning in 2012. Central aspects of these measures will be the Universities’ contribution to research and teaching in order to support civil societal and democratic structures and the transformation process on the one hand, as well as strengthening the scientific and technological performance of these countries on the other hand. The Transformation Partnership consists of four Program Lines: Important: Only Program Linie 2 is open for applications from German universities Program Line 1 " Transformation Partnerships with Universities in Egypt and Tunisia” Call for applications 2012 For further inquiries please contact Mr. Mohamed Fathy: Mohamed.Fathy@daadcairo.org Program Line 2 "Short-term Cooperation with Universities in Egypt and Tunisia” Call for applications 2013 For further inquiries please contact Ms. Janina Ackermann: janina.ackermann@daadcairo.org Program Line 3 "Joint Master Programs” Call for applications 2012 For further inquiries please contact Mr. Mohamed Fathy: Mohamed.Fathy@daadcairo.org Program Line 4 "German-Arab Research Partnerships – Al Tawasul” Call for applications 2012 For further inquiries please contact Mr. Christian Melchert: Christian.Melchert@daadcairo.org Publication 2012 : German-Arab Transformation Partnership Farbbalken Klein The DAAD Cairo is now on Facebook and Twitter! Come and join us - to receive up-to-date information on upcoming events, to discuss important topics, to stay in touch with us ...
التخصص : تعليم
   11 ش الصالح ايوب متفرع من ش 26 يوليو الزمالك, القاهرة
احصائيات : الهيئة الالمانية للتبادل العلمى
  • أخر تحديث للبيانات : 11/11/2019
  • الدخول على الموقع : 0
  • زيارة هذه الصفحة: 3184
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